JABIS Security Services

JABIS has been in the imaging/electronic publishing/security business for over 20 years in Austin, Texas.

Our Intelligent Floor Plans can dramatically help first responders in an emergency.


JABIS creates intelligent school site and floor plans which meet the recommendations of the Texas School Safety Center for a school safety audit. There are very specific requirements such as showing which way each door or gate swings when opened and which are normally locked.

These plans are a set of computer files including documents and photographs with additional information such as procedures and pictures of critical areas. Some organizations also include photographs and the roles of key personnel.

All of this information is especially critical in an emergency. This system makes finding it much easier and faster.

JABIS intelligent floor plans include vector drawings, additional documents, and photographs, delivered as a set of linked files - all in the "Portable Document Format" known as PDF.

The advantages of the PDF format are: These files can be printed (using a large format printer) but they are intended to be viewed on a screen, where they can be zoomed and searched. They can also quickly link to other documents.

This critical information is now available immediately in an emergency. However, note that is also quite useful in maintenance and training.

The JABIS plans are immediately usable with the free Adobe Acrobat reader. Windows™ and Apple™ computers including desktop, laptop, and (Windows™) tablet systems can view and traverse the PDF files.

Note that on these computers no software purchase is required. However, Apple™ iOS devices - iPhones™ and iPads™ - require an inexpensive third party application.

Click Samples to see examples of a JABIS Intelligent Floor Plan from a real Texas school. This page includes instructions on how to download the Adobe™ Acrobat Reader and best set it up for this application.

The JABIS Process

JABIS intelligent floor plans are created with a minimum of effort from the school and the district while still keeping them in control of the process. All the "leg work" is done by JABIS™.

We start with existing plans from the school, district, or builders. This can include design files or paper plans (that we scan).

After verifying that the data is current then JABIS integrates the site and floor plan information into a set of deliverable files.

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We do on-site walk-throughs to double check accuracy. At that time we also take photographs of critical areas.

To see more detail about our process click Process.

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Updated: August 13, 2022, 12:30 PM CDT

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