JABIS Security Services


NOTE: On this website JABIS™ Samples require
Internet Explorer 6.x and Acrobat Reader 9.x
The delivered product does not require Internet Explorer

Download FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader

The Adobe Acrobat Reader displays PDF documents and is available for a wide variety of platforms. The Adobe Acrobat Reader is distributed free of charge. You can configure your web browser to use the Adobe Acrobat reader as a helper application. To Download the ADOBE ACROBAT READER (Version 9.x or above) click Download Acrobat Reader.

NOTE: All samples, photos and instructions are PDF files that
can be copied to the viewer's computer for easy reference.
Simply use the "File" and "Save As ..." options on your browser.

Maximizing Adobe Acrobat Reader for Plans

For instructions on how to set up acrobat reader to be the most useful for viewing JABIS™ site and floor plans click Maximizing Acrobat Usability

NOTE: In the product deliveries all text which is BLUE is hot linked
to another drawing or a photograph. Those links are included in
the samples, but the files that are referenced are not included.

Texas School Safety Centers Recommended Data

To see the recommendations for School Site and Floor Plans in the Texas School Safety Centers Campus Safety and Security Audit Toolkit Click on Recommended Data for School Site and Floor Plans.

Sample Site Plan

In order to see a JABIS™ sample site plan click Sample Site Plan. This sample, like all JABIS™ site and floor plan deliveries is a vector PDF file. The benefit of vector is that the lines and text stay sharp at maximum magnification. The buildings are all named and numbered, the doors to the buildings are all numbered, the walks are all numbered, and the vehicular entrances to the site are all numbered. All fences on the drawing show their type and height. Most fences have photographs.

Sample Floor Plan

In order to see a sample JABIS™ floor plan click Sample Floor Plan. The rooms and halls are all named and numbered. All of the fire extinguishers, fire blankets, alarm pulls, video cameras, roof and underground access points are shown as icons. The room doors show which way they open and whether they are recessed or not. The external doors to the building are color coded to show whether they are unlocked (green), usable by card reader for entrance (red), exit only (black) , or dead bolted facilities (magenta). The evacuation routes are shown. In a product delivery all text which is BLUE is hot linked to another drawing or a photograph. Those links are included in this sample, but not the files that are referenced are not included.

In addition to the floor plans required for the audit, JABIS™ also delivers two other types of floor plan. Both of these are standard vector PDF files that can be enlarged to any degree desired, but which print to an 8.5" x 11" page with the print option. Having separate print modules for each building enables a school to post the modules in each room for the teachers and students. That way, emergencies can be reported using the room numbers for rapid reference by school officials and emergency responders.

Sample Print Module

JABIS™ print modules are floor plans sized to print on a standard 8.5" by 11" piece of paper. These plans have the same information on them as the floor plans, but they are small buildings, or wings or modules in larger buildings. These plans are computer linked to the photos just like the floor plan. They can serve as evacuation route plans for each wing or module as well as having all of the room names for any emergency use. In order to see a sample JABIS™ print module click Sample Print Module.

Sample Clean Module

JABIS™ clean modules are also floor plans sized to print on a standard 8.5" by 11" piece of paper. The clean modules only show the walls, doors, and room and hall numbers on them. They are useful for facilities work orders, planning, and SWAT team functions.In order to see a sample JABIS™ clean module click Sample Clean Module.

Sample Photographs

Computer plans allow the addition of photographs. JABIS™

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photographs all rooms and halls. These are "clickable" from the plans. In the delivered system all of the site and floor plans are opened in the same window. All of the photographs are opened in new windows. In these samples, the photographs are opened in the same window. The photographs are bit-mapped PDF files, after magnification they become grainy.
To see a sample photograph of room 311 click Sample Photo of Room 311. Notice the brick walls, dropped ceiling and window locations observable in the photograph - valuable information.
To see a sample photograph of hall h1-3 click Sample Photo of Hall h1-3. Again, notice the dropped ceiling, brick walls and lockers observable in the photograph - valuable information.
To see the electrical cut off in room 301D click Electrical Cut off in room 301d.


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Updated: August 13, 2022, 12:30 PM CDT

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